Carman’s Trees for Bees Program

At Carman’s, we care about every little thing that goes into our products. And with Sunny at the heart of our brand, you know how we feel about bees.
Bees are essential! They pollinate most of the crops we eat, including the delicious nuts, grains, seeds and fruit we use in our recipes. But bee populations are dying at an alarming rate worldwide – causing a serious risk to our food security, ecosystem health and supply chains.
What we’re doing
Our bees need more trees. So, as part of our dedication to supporting Australian communities, suppliers and partners, and our commitment to a sustainable supply chain, Carman’s has partnered with the Wheen Bee Foundation to develop the Carman’s Trees for Bees program.
The program provides funding to support the planting of bee-friendly trees on farms, extended gardens and community-owned land. Grants of $500 are available to individuals and community groups to support the planting of up to 10,000 trees, creating 100,000sqm or 10 hectares of new bee friendly habitat, each year for three years.
Who can apply?
Anyone can apply for a grant, including individuals, community groups and organisations. Simply include a summary of your bee-friendly planting proposal, area and dates in your application.
Apply for a grant
Want to help? Bee Friendly Gardening Community Tree Grants are available to those who increase vital habitat – providing spaces for bees to forage, live and breed.
A total of 20 grants of $500 are available, with $1 per tree offered to support the cost of seedlings and planting.
For more information and to apply for a grant check out Wheen Bee Community Tree Grants
Key Dates
- Applications for the 2024 Community Tree Grants are now closed
- The next round will open on 19 May 2025
- Register your interest here to stay informed
2024 Grant Recipients
- Willunga Waldorf School
- Seaview High School
- Northern Suburbs Community Landcare
- Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
- Monkey Bars PreKindy
- Friends of Lake Gwelup (FLoG)
- Parkes Wiradjuri Language Group
- Ozfish Unlimited
- Byron Bay High School
- St Paul’s Catholic College
- Epping Boys High School
- Sunnybank Community Preschool & Kindergarten
- Cartmill Community Centre
- Parklands Christian College
- Evelyn Scott School
- Trek Learning Centre (TLC)
- Manangatang P12 College
- Candlebark Community Nursery Inc.
- Moyston Public Parks Committee
- GWS Anderson Scout Park
- Loddon Plains Landcare Network
2023 Grant Recipients
- Apollo Bay P-12 College
- Byron Youth Service
- Charleville School of Distance Education
- Coolamon Landcare
- Culgoa Development Group
- Girl Guides Victoria – Leongatha Guides
- Goodstart Early Learning – Nambour
- Gunnedah Urban Landcare Group
- Henry Doubleday Research Association of Australia
- Junior Science Academy
- Koroit and District Primary School
- Lakeland Senior High School
- Latrobe Valley Beekeepers Association
- Maleny State School
- Murray Haven Homes
- Our Lady of the Way Catholic Primary School
- Pasadena And St Marys Action Group
- Rotary Club of Forbes Ipomoea
- Scottsdale High School
- Stanthorpe United Redbacks FC
- Stella Life Care
- Tanjil Valley Landcare
- The Groundswell Collective
- Waroona District High School
- Warramunda Villages
Find out more
Support these vital rays of sunshine like Sunny, and be supported. Visit the Wheen Bee Foundation to learn more about the program.